Yes, I've finally done it and I'm launching my senior spokesmodel program! I'm so excited about this new journey and I'm even more excited for the amazing students I will meet and work with! xoxo Gianne
Hey EVERYONE! Longtime no see right?!?!?! I had made a point to blog at least once a month and clearly that has not been the case. "Fulltime" life has been hitting different for sure! It has had it's highs and lows, but in all I'm still so very grateful to be doing what I love. I have so great things
Yesterday was a big day for me. Like my IG post said, it was "Big News Day!" If you know me, you know this video was not easy for me. But I've made the decision to be more intentional about contacting with my clients. Here's the video if you missed it! I'm excited about the next steps and I truly